Lesley is a visionary who brings a wealth of talent, diverse skills and experience to entertainment, teams and projects that are committed to making a difference in the world. With a B.S. in Life Sciences from University of N.H., Lesley has worked as a Director of Parks and Recreation, a Music Director for a large Unity Church, a producer of a children’s television show www.sammysnewworld.com and fundraiser for the Linda Cruse Foundation.
She trained in The Connection Practice: combining Nonviolent Communication with Heart Math, has facilitated Alternatives to Violence in NH prisons, completed and taught numerous programs on bully prevention, an Instructor of Shintaido; a peacebuilding martial arts, participated in Jean Houston’s East Coast Mystery School and in The Gateway with Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Lesley is an intuitive energy healer with a worldwide client base having trained with Lawrence LeShan’s Consciousness Research and Training Institute, Sri Raniji Kumra Heart Oneness, Theta Healing Practioner, Dowsing for Healing with Carol Loubier, Water Activation and many other healing modalities. lesley@healinganswers.net
She is a National Foundation for the Arts touring artist and is a lifelong professional singer, songwriter, actress, puppeteer, comedian and a world-class ventriloquist. When Lesley is not meditating and engaged in deep spiritual study, she is swimming in every drop of water she can find, dancing in the streets, and finding joy performing transformational entertainment for adults and children. She travels and works with her talented husband, comedy writer and videographer Mark Abramczyk. They adore their three sons and credits her family for everything she finds dear.
Sammy Snail has been entertaining audiences for 2 decades and there has never been an audience that he didn't charm the pants off of.
Sammy has starred in a family entertainment theater show : Sammy's Pajama Party coproduced with Imagine Studios of Newburyport MA! Families were invited to join in the adventures of Sammy Snail (shhh... he's a puppet but don't tell him) on stage, on screen and in the aisles; for a heart-centered mission to turn the world right-side-up. The show was performed with a cast of giant-size puppets, dancers and segments of the pilot episode of Sammy’s New World. Lesley worked with the best TV puppeteers in the business to serve up a one hour musical comedy wrapped in a positive message. She has been featured on Chronicle as a New England performance artist and has performed nationwide with bully prevention, conflict resolution and empathy large stage puppet shows.
We have been producing Entertainment Fundraising events with local and national stars. Remember Jim Carter, the butler Carson from Downton Abby? We created 3 theater performances at the Portsmouth Music Hall and Boston Theaters, private fundraising dinner parties, High Tea with Carson and outreach events at homeless shelters with Imagine Studios. http://www.fosters.com/article/20160214/NEWS/160219657. Through these activities we raised thousands of dollars for Nepal relief efforts through the Linda Cruse Foundation www.lindacruse.com. We then traveled to remote villages and took sustainable actions to support villagers that had not experienced any support from the 2015 earth quake.
Our latest global relief effort is with our participation with Linda Cruse's Race4Good https://therace4good.com in creating challenges for businesses and schools to solve intractable problems in the area of disaster relief, sustainable rebuilding of communities and poverty.
Our local efforts continue with Imagine Studios "Sammy Cares" to bring resources and events to underserved communities through the arts. https://imaginestudios.org